But this is not required or necessary in most cases. DOCX filetype if you’re using Word 2007 or Word 2010. DOC filetype, or if you want feel free to now convert it to.
You should see your document! (Word knew it was really a WordPerfect file and converted it for you as it opened.) Now, you can either leave it in. Doing this will cause the file to open up in Microsoft Word. DOC no matter what version of Word you have. Rename the file to whatever you want as long as you end it with. Right-click on the file and select RENAME.WPD file was sent to you in e-mail, this means you need to save the attachment to your desktop.) (If you use Microsoft OUTLOOK, this is done by right-clicking on the attachment in your e-mail and selecting SAVE AS.) Put the file on your desktop or some place you can easily find it if it’s not already.DOC and they will open up in any version of Word (Word 2003, 2007, 2010). WordPerfect (.WPD) files are easy to open if you have Microsoft Word on your computer. The first few ways will convert the file to Word (DOC) format. Here are the five (5) ways to open WPD files. You don’t even need Word installed if you use Way#5. Even if you don’t have WordPerfect installed on your computer, you can open these file-types easily & quickly. WPD file is a document created in WordPerfect, a word-processing software program by Corel.